Schuylkill 5-6-13
Kori winds up
Team huddles
Good game
Borrell makes the catch
Nikki behind the plate
Team gathering on the field
Korey Freyermouth up at bat
Nikki up at bat
Pier up at bat
Syd with the stretch
Miranda Robson with the play
Syd up at bat
Taylor Larson up at bat
Miranda Robson up at bat
Amanda Palumbo up at bat
Korey with solid defense on the mound
Rachael Charlier up at bat
Korey with a solid play
Miranda Robson with a barehanded play
Miranda Robson slides safely into second
Korey at first
Miranda Robson with a nice play at second
Amanda Palumbo playing right field
Miranda Robson holding second down
Nikki behind the plate
Syd receives the ball
Rachel slug bunting
Miranda Robson slides safely into second
Syd catching a pop up
Miranda Robson keeping the defense tight at second
Catcher pitcher meeting
Syd goes one
Miranda Robson tosses it to sSyd
Miranda Robson gets one
Good game
Syd with a nice stretch