2-16 York
Kevin looks for an open man.
Andrew shoots at the basket.
Keon guards an opponent.
Andrew battles for a board.
Jeremy looks to pass.
Kevin stares down an opponent.
Keon guards.
Keon shoots a 2-point jumper.
Keon drives to the basket.
Keon guards an opponent.
John dribbles.
Keon drives to the basket.
John guards at the basket.
Jeremy and Andrew guard at the basket.
Team huddle.
Jeremy drives to the hole.
Jeremy drives to the hole.
Jeremy tries to block the shot.
Jeremy prepares to grab the ball for Beaver.
John backs up to a defender.
Sonny watches hi shot fall.
Kevin stares down an opponent.
John backs up an opponent.
Jeremy guards at the net.
Andrew throws his shot in.
Jeremy shoots at the line.
Keon fights to keep possesion.
Jeremy drives to the basket.
John stares down an opponent.
Jeremy shoots from the corner.
Kevin shoots from under the basket.
Austin guards.
John dribbles.
John stares down an opponent.
Kevin guards an opponent.
Sonnny dribbles.
Austin goes up to block the shot.
Keon dribbles.
Keon fires a jumper.
John guards at the hoop.
Jeremy watches his shot fall.
Jeremy guards.
Sonny shoots at the line.
Kevin passes to Keon.
John shoots from the corner.