The wellness center will be open for business starting Friday, August, 28th, 2020. Please read this document in its entirety so you will understand the changes that are taking place starting this fall!


Monday - Thursday: 12:30PM to 11PM

Friday & Saturday: 12:30PM to 7PM

Sunday: 7:30PM t0 11PM

**Please Note, facility will close after 9PM (5PM on Fri & Sat) if no appointments are scheduled.***

2. Appointments- You will have to schedule an appointment to use the facility. We will be scheduling 30 minute time slots for the following areas:

Wellness Center (4), Upper Level Wellness Center (2), Studio (3), Gym (6), Behind Curtain in Gym (4), and Classroom (6)

**Please Note: Locker rooms are offline. Unisex restroom is available on the wellness center level as well as restrooms in gym lobby.

You may schedule up to 2 appointments at a time if available.

To schedule an appointment, call the wellness center desk at 724-773-3844. We will be accepting reservations starting Monday, February 15th, 2021 from 12PM to 4PM; and then anytime the building is open.

Walk-ins will be turned away unless there are openings created via no shows or slot not being scheduled. There will be no walk-ins after 9PM (5PM F & Sat).

Habitual no shows will not be allowed to schedule appointments.

3. Procedures

a. You will enter the facility at the main wellness center entrance.

b. Upon arriving, you will have temperature taken via touchless forehead reader, and be asked self-health assessment questions. Once Cleared, you will be asked to sign in.

i. For your first visit, everyone will be asked to fill out an online user agreement. The user agreement is available at

c. You will be directed to head to the area you are scheduled for.

d. When finished with your appointment, you are asked to exit the building using the game day doors in the gym lobby (Upper level).

4. Other New Policies

a. You must wear a mask at all times! When entering the building; while working out; and when exiting. You will be asked to leave the facility if you do not have a mask on. Neck Gaiters are acceptable ONLY when working out. If you choose to use this option, you must wear a mask in and out of the building, and only wear the gaiter while engaging in physical activity.

b. You must social distance at all times! You will be reminded about this if there are issues. Any patron habitually not social distancing or out right refusing to social distance will be asked to leave, and privilege to schedule time may be revoked.

c. Signing out equipment will not be an option. You will need to bring with you any equipment you will need for the workout.

d. It is imperative that you wipe down any/all equipment you use in the wellness center.

e. It is recommended you bring a water bottle with you. Fountains will be online, but it is suggested and preferred you use the filling station.

f. Only Students, Faculty, and Staff have access to the facility. At this time, there will be no Alumni, guest, or outside community members allowed in the facility.

Please understand that these new policies are a must to ensure we are keeping the campus community safe while making the facility available for campus use.

If you have any questions or concerns, do not hesitate to reach out to me at or 724-773-3826. Also, be sure to visit For information on the facility as well.